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ALERA ACT Annual General Meeting

Notice is given that the 2019/20 Annual General Meeting of Members of the Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association - ACT Branch will be held online via Zoom on 21 December 2020 at 5:30pm.

Meeting ID: 893 3942 6578

Password: 7Jw4Jn


  • Minutes of previous AGM

  • President’s report

  • Treasurer’s report

  • Election of Committee Members

  • Amendment to Rules

  • Other Business

Please note that copies of the relevant reports will be available at the AGM.

Amendment to Rules

ALERA ACT’s Committee is intending to modernise its Rules to ensure that its governing document reflects how the association functions in practice, and to simplify processes.

A copy of the existing Rules and the proposed Rules are below.


If you wish to nominate for a position on the ALERA ACT Committee please complete the below nomination form and email a copy to before 5pm on 21 December 2020.