Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association - ACT's objective is to bring together a community of people interested in the world of people at work, including those in:

  • management

  • trade unions

  • employer associations

  • government agencies

  • professional services

  • academics

ALERA ACT seeks to organise and foster discussion, research, education and publication within the field of industrial relations. The Association does not provide advice to individuals nor to any sector bodies.

The Association was previously known as the Industrial Relations Society of the ACT Inc (1973-2011).

The ACT body is a Constituent member of the Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association (ALERA) - an affiliated body to the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA), with kindred organisations in all States and Territories of Australia. Membership is transferable between the Australian organisations (although membership benefits may vary).



The Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association Incorporated (ALERA) was formerly the Industrial Relations Society of Australia (IRSA). ALERA was formed as an independent, non-partisan association which encourages research, discussion and debate on a wide range of issues affecting employee relationships and was the first organisation of its type to be formed in Australia. The Association welcomes members involved in, studying or interested in industrial, labour or employment relations and human resources.

ALERA's objective is to organise and foster discussion, research, education and publication within the field of workplace relations. ALERA is governed by an Executive Committee made up of representatives from the affiliated States and Territory bodies. The Association aims to bring together representatives of trade unions, employers, Government, the legal profession and academics - all of whom have contributed to the promotion of better labour and employment relations.

At the National level this is achieved through the administration of the Journal of Industrial Relations, publication of a national Newsletter, delivery of an Advocacy Training Course and participation in the Annual Kingsley Laffer Lecture and a biannual National Conference. Participation enables a free exchange of opinions, an understanding of another person's point of view, and new friendships - all factors designed to create goodwill and understanding in the field of workplace relations. ALERA is also affiliated with the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA).

The inaugural meeting of the Industrial Relations Society of Australia (now ALERA) was held in Sydney on 14 May 1958. It was the culmination of several years of activity by Kingsley Laffer from the University of Sydney, who established the first course of study in industrial relations in the Department of Economics in 1956. Kingsley was interested in establishing a national body which would bring together academics, employers, trade unions, government and legal practitioners with a common interest in promoting the field of industrial relations. One of the first initiatives of the fledging Society was the creation of the Journal of Industrial Relations, the first issue of which was published in April 1959.